Here are a few of our dedicated PIT members so far. However, we are currently recruiting for new members to join our supernatural society. Please feel free to contact our president if you wish to join PIT. Send us an email including your name, city, and age so that we can give you more information on our group. 

Sarah Jeanette Jones, PIT President and Co-Founder 


  • Overseeing PIT as a whole
  • Ensuring positive Members
  • Maintaining morale and Client relationships
  • Maintaining knowledge of paranormal research and discoveries

Ed Ashman, PIT Vice President and Co-Founder


  • Public relations
  • Recruiting Members
  • Greeting and serving potential Clients
  • Looking into historical relations to cases

OPEN POSITION,  Investigator


  • Assisting in investigation of all cases and operating research equipment
  • Submitting potential cases
  • Organizing details on each case and documenting facts

Cory Hinchcliff, Tech Manager



  • Assisting in investigation of all cases
  • Setting up and operating electronic equipment
  • Researching the field of paranormal study for updated information on innovations and discoveries in devices for paranormal research


  • Sarah Jones
  • Ed Ashman
  • Cory Hinchcliff


PIT is currently accepting applicants for our team, so please contact us via email if you wish to join our group of paranormal investigators. Understand that our supernatural society of sleuths and researchers is an entirely non-profit organization (meaning you are not receiving any pay from us for volunteering as part of our team!) Thank you for visiting us!

If you or someone you know feels that they are currently experiencing supernatural activity within their home and would like PIT to investigate with them, please contact us for more information. Understand that we are only interested in those that really need our help and that our services are offered completely for free. However, DO NOT contact us unless you sincerely believe that you are experiencing paranormal events within your life and home and agree to invite PIT members to your home to investigate! We are not interested in pranks!


  • www.Paranormaldestination.com
  • www.ghostweb.com
  • www.prairieghosts.com
  • www.trailsendparanormalsociety.com
  • www.spooksparanormal.com
  • the-atlantic-paranormal-society.com

If you were interested in another position besides investigator, please let us know. Otherwise, we will assign that position to you as a standard. However, if you would be more interested in becoming Case Manager or Researcher, then we would love to dedicate that position to a person that does not already hold another position. Case manager holds responsibility is finding and organizing all of PIT cases. You would want to work hard on finding new cases for PIT to research and investigate weekly. All cases need to be reported to  PIT president for review and discussion before we assign them to our investigators. Once a case is approved, it is then handed off to the Lead Investigator to schedule an interview with the potential client. It is PIT's strict policy to interview each potential client before making a decision to involve PIT with the case. Part of the Lead Investigator's responsibility is to determine if the person asking for our help is sincere and to establish the history of the suspected paranormal events that bring the potential client to seek out PIT's assistance. Once the Lead Investigator has reported back to PIT's Vice President and he has then reported to the President, we then decide whether or not to accept the case. After this, the Lead Investigator can gather a few other PIT investigators to the house of possible supernatural activity. It is highly impossible to know beforehand how long a case may take. Some can take a few days while some can take a few weeks or even longer. This greatly depends on the history and severity of the supernatural activity.

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